Listed below are some SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) best
1. Keep it simple.
Avoid using
components unnecessarily. For example:
Step 1. Declare the variable varServerDate.
Step 2. Use ExecuteSQLTask in the
control flow to execute a SQL query to get the server date-time and store it in
the variable
Step 3. Use the dataflow task and insert/update database with the server
date-time from the variable varServerDate.
This sequence is advisable only in cases where the time difference from
step 2 to step 3 really matters. If that doesn't really matter, then just use
the getdate() command at
step 3, as shown below:
Hide Copy Code
--create table #table1 (Lap_Id int,
LAP_Date datetime)
Insert into #table1 (Lap_Id, LAP_Date) values (1, getdate())
2. Calling a child package multiple times
from a parent with different parameter values.
When a child
package is executed from a master package, the parameters that are passed from
the master need to be configured in the child package. For this, you can use
the ‘Parent Package Configuration’ option in the child package. But, for using
the ‘Parent Package Configuration’, you need to specify the name of the ‘Parent
Package Variable’ that is passed to the child package. If you want to call the
same child package multiple times (each time with a different parameter value),
declare the parent package variables (with the same name as given in the child
package) with a scope limited to ‘Execute Package Tasks’.
SSIS allows
declaring variables with the same name but the scope limited to different tasks
– all inside the same package!
3. SQL job with many atomic steps.
For the SQL job
that calls the SSIS packages, make multiple steps, each doing small tasks,
rather than a single step doing all the tasks. In the first case, the
transaction log grows too big, and if a rollback happens, it may take the full
processing space of the server.
4. Avoid unnecessary typecasts.
Avoid unnecessary
type casts. For example, the flat file connection manager, by default, uses the
string[DT_STR] data type for
all the columns. In case you want to use the actual data types, you have to manually
change it. Better to change it at the source-level itself to avoid unnecessary
type castings.
5. Transactions.
Usually, the ETL
processes handle large volumes of data. In such a scenario, do not attempt a
transaction on the whole package logic. However, SSIS supports transaction, and
it is advisable to use transactions where the atomicity of the transaction is
taken care of.
For example,
consider a scenario where a source record is to be spitted into 25 records at
the target - where either all the 25 records reach the destination or zero. In
this scenario, using a transaction, we can ensure either all the 25 records
reach the destination or zero.
6. Distributed transaction spanning
multiple tasks.
The control flow of
an SSIS package threads together various control tasks. It is possible to set a
transaction that can span into multiple tasks using the same connection. To
enable this, the “retainsameconnection” property of the
Connection Manager should be set to “True”.
7. Limit the package names to a maximum of
100 characters.
When an SSIS
package with a package name exceeding 100 chars is deployed into SQL Server, it
trims the package name to 100 chars, which may cause an execution failure. So,
limit the package names to a maximum of 100 characters.
8. Select * from…
Make sure that you
are not passing any unnecessary columns from the source to the downstream. With
the OLEDB connection manager source, using the ‘Table or View’ data access mode
is equivalent to ‘SELECT
* FROM <TABLE_NAME>’, which will fetch all the columns.
Use ‘SQL command’ to fetch only the required columns, and pass that to the
downstream. At each down-stream component, filter out the unnecessary columns.
9. Sorting.
Sorting in SSIS is
a time consuming operation. At the places where we know that data is coming
from database tables, it’s better to perform the sorting operation at the
database query itself.
10. Excel
Source and 64-bit runtime.
The Excel Source or
Excel Connection manager works only with the 32 bit runtime. When a package
using the Excel Source is enabled for 64-bit runtime (by default, it is
enabled), it will fail on the production server using the 64-bit runtime. Go to
the solution property pages\debugging and set Run64BitRuntime toFalse.
11. On
failure of a component, stop/continue the execution with the next component.
When a component
fails, the property failParentonFailure can be
effectively used either to stop the package execution or continue with the next
component - exception - stop/continue with the next component in a sequence
container. The value of the constraint connecting the components in the
sequence should be set to "Completion", and the failParentonFailure property
should be set toFalse (default).
12. Protection.
To avoid most of
the package deployment error from one system to another system, set the package
protection level to ‘DontSaveSenstive’.
13. Copy
pasting the Script component.
Once you copy-paste
a script component and execute the package, it may fail. Just open the script
editor of the pasted script component, save the script, and execute the package
– it will work.
14. Configuration
filter – Use as a filter.
It is a best
practice to use the package name as the configuration filter for all the
configuration items that are specific to a package. It is especially useful
when there are so many packages with package-specific configuration items. For
the configuration items that are general to many packages, use a generic name.
15. Optimal
use of configuration records.
Avoid the same
configuration item recorded under different filter/object names. For example,
if two packages are using the same connection string, you need only one
configuration record. To enable this, use the same name for the connection
manager in both the packages. Also, use a generic configuration filter. This is
quite convenient at the time of porting from one environment to another (e.g.:
from UAT to production).
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